In the human brain, both temporal lobes are used for processing auditory perception, and for processing semantics in speech and vision. They also play a key role in the formation of long term memory. The right temporal lobe in particular plays an important role in non-verbal memory and thought processes. These functions will be represented symbolically in the design of this section of the 3D environment.
Both the left and right temporal lobes will be represented by a large chamber, within which a series of internal walls and surfaces give the impression of a maze. The surfaces of the right temporal lobe will be mapped with graffiti-like images, drawings, and other strange subjective, personal, non-rational, surreal or inexplicable images. The passages in this maze-like chamber will have the appearance of graffiti filled laneways; the walls will be textured with peeling white paint and occasional glimpses of brickwork, and covered in graffiti images and childish hand-painted drawings.
This region will contrast the straight walls and neat, structured texts of the Left Temporal Lobe with curved and meandering walkways, and messy, incongruous images and drawings. Imagine a child let loose in a laneway with several cans of colored spray-paint.

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