In the human brain, both temporal lobes are used for processing auditory perception, and for processing semantics in speech and vision. They also play a key role in the formation of long term memory. The left temporal lobe in particular plays a major role in speech, verbal memory, and other language functions. These functions will be represented symbolically in the design of this section of the 3D environment.
Both the left and right temporal lobes will be represented by a large chamber, within which a series of internal walls and surfaces give the impression of a maze. The surfaces of the left temporal lobe area will be mapped with text, in particular clippings from lists, dictionaries, manuals, instructions, newspapers, essays, and other non-fiction, objective, or scientific sources. The maze will be formed by a series of straight-angled internal walls, on which the text sources will be mapped as textures in Unity.
The architecture of these tunnels will be slightly old fashioned, with arched doorways and pillars, reminiscent of old university or religious buildings. The colour scheme will be off-white (with some areas faded to yellowish/brown) with black text, with some contrasting regions made to look like chalk writing on blackboards, ie. white text on black.

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